Hello my Dearest Dreamers!
Is it really already Sunday again? Where has the time gone?
** On Monday, I traded in my old Nintendo DS and bought a Nintendo 3DS so that Lee and I can play Pokémon Sapphire (he has Ruby). We just hang out on the couch and play the games together, we help each other out when we get stuck (or confused about what is going on), and we just enjoy it!
** I aced my 4th Humanities test, which means that I was exempt from taking the final exam and I passed the class with an A! That is super awesome (I hate test's). I did enjoy the class though, and I almost wish that I had taken it during a regular semester instead of the Summer Term, but the teacher said it wouldn't have been as fun because there would have been a lot more reading (and actual homework) then how she teaches it during the summer. I just like learning about other cultures (hence why I am now taking a World Religions class in the fall semester.
** Lee had Wednesday off after a late night live fire training, which means that we just hung out together. I love the fact that he will sit in the office with me while I'm working and we'll talk about music or the Pokémon game that we're playing and he doesn't get bored just sitting there with me. We do our own things, but we do them together.
** Thursday brought me trying out Jamberry nails, my friend Sarah is a consultant. I really think I should have just let her do them (she's way better at it then I am) but I wanted to give it a try. Other then the fact that mine creased kind of weird around the tip of my finger nail because my nails are weird, I really like them. I'm going to purchase a few sets here in the near future just because I can!
** Lee had Friday off as well due to having 24 hour duty on Thursday (it was a weird week for him work wise). This was nice because we had a lazy day. I had a great "coffee date" with a lovely woman from one of the entrepreneur groups on Facebook and she gave me some good ideas and she might decide to work with me in the future.
We also had an impromptu show Friday night. We were contacted by the promoter that we usually work with and asked if we wanted to play a last minute show because the other bands backed out of the show and the boys decided that we were going to play. I didn't bring any merchandise to the show, and I actually got to enjoy watching the other bands play, but it ended up really good for us. The boys got to play, we made some new friends with an awesome band called The Reason You Stayed, and we had some fun. ((Seriously though.. check those girls out! Amazing talent - actually last night they won Carolina's Band of the Year for 2016).
** Speaking of last night, the band went to Carnival of Madness here in Raleigh. We got to see Whiskey Myers, Black Stone Cherry, and Shinedown. There is going to be a post with a lot more details coming up, but basically.... it was AWESOME! We were in the front of the pit and we had an absolute blast!
.: Little Loves :.
|| Friends that turned into family | my better half for taking such good care of me | people giving me a chance in my new business | new music | Icee's from Target | dinner at home ||
What are you loving from this past week?
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